Tuesday, September 27, 2011

EHI-01 Term End Examination December-2011

Suggestion for Term End Examination December-2011

EHI- 01: MODERN INDIA 1857-1964
Time: 3 hours                                                                                                Maximum Marks : 100
Note: This question paper has three sections. The students have to attempt any two questions in about 500 words each from Section I, any four questions in about 250 words each from section II and any two questions in about 100 words each from section III. The marks are mentioned against each question.
Answer any two questions in about 500 words each:
1. Why did the congress accept partition? Comment on the congress's handling of the communal problem.
2. What were the differences between the Moderates and the Extremists? How did these affect the Indian National Movement?
3. How did the Indian state make use of planning to promote industrialization after 1947?
4. Comment on the different stages of colonialism in India.
5.. What do you understand by the term 'de-industrialization’? Discuss various viewpoints regarding the process of de-industrialization.
6. Discuss the factors which contributed to the growth of a national consciousness 19th century India.
7. Write a note on the Non-Cooperation Movement.
8. Analyze the nature of Land-reforms after Independence.
9. What were the causes of the Rebellion of 1857?
10. What was the nature and significance of the Home Rule Leagues?
11. Write an essay on the role of Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose in bringing socialist ideas to the congress.
12. How did the state promote secularism in independent India?
Answer any four questions in about 250 words each:
1. Write a note on the Swadeshi Movement. 12
2. Discuss the impact of the Second World War on the Indian economy.
3. Discuss Periyar's ideas on the Self - Respect Movement.
4. Highlight the main characteristics of the popular movements in India during the second half of the 19th century.
5. Write a note on the Ghadar Movement. 12
6. What was the impact of the Russian Revolution on the National movement in India ?
7. Discuss the main features of the land reforms in post-independence India.
8. What were the main features of the Indian Foreign 12
9. Write a note on the Indian National Army (lNA)'
10. Briefly discuss the contribution of the Swaraj Party to the Indian National Movement.
11. Write a note on the Self-Respect Movement in Tamil Nadu.
12. Discuss the main features of Independent India's foreign policy.
13. What do you understand by Socialism? Who were the early socialist thinkers?
14. Write a short note on the Quit India Movement'
15. Discuss the main features of the non - Brahmin movement in Western India.
16. Write an essay on some of the main features of the social reform movement in the 19 th century.
17. How did the people of Bengal react to the partition of Bangal ?
18. What were the main features of the Montagu - Chelmsford reforms?
19. What was the nature of political activities under taken by Bhagat Singh?
20. Write an essay on the growth of the trade union movement in India.
13. Write short notes on any two of the following in 6+6
(a) Rowlatt Act
(b) Bankim Chandra
(c) The Akali Movement
(d) Non-Brahmin movement in Maharashtra
 (b) Telangana Movement
(c) Drain of Wealth
(d) BharatenduHarishchandra
(a) Simon commission
(b) Government of India Act 1935
(c)Meerut conspiracy case
(d) British Policy on Tibet

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