Tuesday, September 27, 2011

EHI-02 Term End Examination December-2011

Suggestion for Term End Examination December-2011
EHI-02:History of India from earliest times to 8' century AD

Time: 3 hours                                                                                                Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage : 70%)
The question paper has three sections. The students have to attempt any two questions from Section I in about 500 words each, any four questions from Section II in about 250 words each and two short notes in about 100 words each from Section III. The marks are mentioned against each question.
1. Examine the nature of Harappan religion and religious practices.
2. Discuss the salient features of later Vedic polity and society.or Give a brief account of the nature of early Vedic society.
3. Write an essay on Jainism. 20
4. Describe the characteristics of trade and towns under the Mauryas.
5. Analyse the various theories put forward for decline of Harappan civilization.
6. Explain the emergence and consolidation Mauryan rule. or briefly describe the administrative apparatus of the Mauryan Empire.
7. Discuss the main features of the administrative apparatus of the Gupta state.
8. Discuss the formation and characteristics of regions in Indian history.
9. Analyse the nature of agrarian structure in Peninsular India between 200 B.C. – 300 A.D.
1. Describe the main features of Northern Black Polished Ware Culture.
2. Discuss the salient features of the Paraolithic culture.
3. Discuss the forms of city life in India in 6th century B.C.
4. Examine the key features of early vedic society and economy.
5. Discuss the economic changes in the Gupta period.
6. Write a note on the early state formation (Tamilaham) in South India.
7. Write a note on Saivism and Vaishnavism. 12
8. Discuss the architecture of the stupas in India. 12
9. Discuss the changes in the social structure in the 6th century B.C. India.
10. Describe various interpretations regarding Ashoka's Policy of Dhamma.
11. What were the chief characteristics o f external and internal trade in the post-Mauryan period ? 1.2
12. Examine the new developments in Brahmanism in the post-Mauryan period. 12
13. Give a brief account of the nature of Satavahana State in the Deccan. 12
14. Discuss the social and economic conditions during the post-Gupta period 12
15. Describe the main features of Gandhara and Mathura school of art. 12
17. Explain the Theories of the decline of Harappan civilization.
18. Write a note on the teachings of Buddha. 12

13. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Harappan Town-Planning 6
(b) Sources for early Vedic Period 6
(c) Teachings of Mahavira 6
(a) Major Harappan Sites
(b) Sabha and Samiti
(d) Megalithic Culture
(b) Northern Black Polished Ware.
(c) Stupas
(d) Ajivikas.

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