According to Maritz Julius Bonn, “Imperialism” is a
policy which aims at creating, ‘organizing
and maintaining an empire; that is a state of vast size composed of various more
or less distinct national unit s and subject to a single centralized will” Charles a beard wrote : “Imperialism
is…..employment of the engines of government and diplomacy to acquire territories, protectorates, and on
spheres of influence occupied usually by other races or peoples, and to promote
industrial, trade, and investment opportunities …..”A clear yet crisp
definition was given by p.t. moon. He wrote, “Imperialism ….means domination of
non- European native races by totally dissimilar European nations. “Thus moon
clearly indicates domination of colored peoples of Asia and Africa by the
Europeans who considered themselves superior and their colonial administration
as burden on the white man. Though Beard excludes all economic motivations, the
history of imperialism definitely points to economic exploitation as a primary
drive in expansion of the empire by western countries. History reveals that the
world has gone through many stages of development. It is known that the history
of humankind is related to the development of society and social structures.
Capitalism generally developed out of feudalism, and was Responsible for colonialisation
and imperialism, Feudalism prevailed before the 16th- 17th
century. In Europe, feudalism was generally associated with medieval states
based on aristocracies (run by kings and nobles) who controlled the economic
and political power of the state. The church too had an important role in the
functioning of the feudal state. Feudalism as a system began to decay in
different parts of Europe, beginning from England in the thirteenth century.
The industrial revolution, the growth of towns, inter-feudal wars etc. led to
this decline , social life in Europe thus began to change, this also involved a
change from the feudal type economic organization to a different one where the
control was no longer with the land owning aristocracies. Independent groups of
merchants and traders began dominating the economy. This meant, thus, the
growth of new classes which formed the bases for mercantile capitalism. The
letter was a transition from feudalism to capitalism to capitalism, which was
prevalent between the 16th and 19th centuries. The kind
of transformation made by each nation out of feudalism differed. For example in
England capitalism grew faster than in any other European nations. France
followed this transition and later Germany, Russia and others did the same.
Thus each transition was a unique experience. Industrialization in Europe led
the capitalists to look for raw materials and markets outside Europe. This
search fueled imperial penetrations into Asia and Africa. Capitalism can be
defined as a system in which goods and services are produced for exchange in
the market so that profit is made. The form of capital in the capitalist system
is deferent from that of the feudal system where merchant capital was dominant.
Under capitalism productive capital dominates, that is capital invested in
labor power. Labor power is what the worker has to sell in exchange for money
in order to survive. This labor power is then organized in the production
process to produce new commodities for making more profit. Thus the capital of
the merchants and financiers circulated and are invested for commodity
production. The function of this merchant finance, Capital is determined and
based on the need of productive capital. Labor power thus becomes like a
commodity which can be bought and sold according to market prices.The growth of
capitalism had an important effect on the social and political life of people
and social systems. Just it had on their economic life. Capitalism brought
about the formation of two large classes- the capitalist class (bourgeoisie) and
the working class. In addition to these there also give rise to new political
systems wherein besides landed aristocracies, other classes’ also shared state
power as in England. Similarly it led to the overthrow of the French landed
aristocracy and brought into being the French republic. Thus with capitalism
began as era of private enterprises in the economic sphere and popular
participation in the exercise of state power in the political sphere.
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